
Friday, January 15, 2016

How to Start a Blog

The 10 Step Process of Starting a Blog as Done By the Harvest Cowgirl:

Step 1) Be overly confident that you can do this and it'll take a few minutes
Step 2) Ask for advice
Step 3) Dive right in
Step 4) Panic thinking you messed everything up and it is irreversible and your private information is out now for all to see
Step 5) Watch a YouTube video and ignore the entire thing as the lady's voice is annoying and you can figure this out
Step 6) Read instructions
Step 7) Ignore instructions and do it your own way
Step 8) Reread Instructions and actually figure out what they are trying tell you
Step 9) Mind goes blank on what to write
Step 20) Deep breath and here we go!

Hello everyone! (Seems silly saying while knowing this will probably be seen by 5 people total)

I am the Harvest Cowgirl, an Iowa native (What?! There's no cowgirls in Iowa right?), a wife, a risk management advisor for Iowan farmers, and yes, a cowgirl. I newly discovered my love to cook and my hatred for following recipes that I want to share with others as well as some easy cleaning tips, money management tips, and maybe even a few horse training tips. Who knows what else may get discussed; I am not making any promises!

I hope you enjoy this as much as I will stress about making this blog worth reading and I look forward to seeing your comments!


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